Tuesday, August 25, 2015

The 'Strength' and 'Power' of the Female Form

Photographer captures striking images of women practicing yoga naked in celebration of the 'strength' and 'power' of the female form

  • Jonathon Harrington, from Ottawa, Canada, photographed 57 women for his project, which he then turned into a book, titled 'I' 
A Canadian photographer is celebrating the strength and flexibility of women in a stunning series of images, which see 57 female subjects practicing yoga naked.
Jonathan Harrington, a photographer and the owner of Icon Imaging in Ottawa, captured dozens of beautiful black-and-white images of women of all ages and backgrounds, each performing a unique yoga pose while in the nude.
The striking photographs have also been published in a book, titled 'I', which is aimed at celebrating the power and strengthe of the female form. 
Pretzel pose: Photographer Jonathon Harrington called on 57 women to perform yoga poses while naked as part of his project 'I', which celebrates the strength and beauty of the female form
Pretzel pose: Photographer Jonathon Harrington called on 57 women to perform yoga poses while naked as part of his project 'I', which celebrates the strength and beauty of the female form
Inspiration: Mr Harrington first started the project after attending his first yoga class a few years ago 
Inspiration: Mr Harrington first started the project after attending his first yoga class a few years ago 
'The project was born out of my interest in the human figure combined with my first yoga class experience,' Mr Harrington explained on a Kickstarter page for the project. 
'During the class as I participated, I couldn’t help but notice the beautiful shapes and lines as we went through the different poses.
'The central concept of the project is ‘everyday women, nude, showcasing their abilities of strength and flexibility.'
When it came to choosing the participants for the book, which retails for $29.99 Canadian dollars, Mr Harrington added that he had no specific criteria each woman had to meet; instead he was eager to find people who felt comfortable and confident enough in their own bodies to pose naked, even if that confidence only emerged during the shoot.
Respect for the female form: The photographer noted that, during his yoga class, he began to gain a new appreciation for the artistry involved in each different yoga pose 
Respect for the female form: The photographer noted that, during his yoga class, he began to gain a new appreciation for the artistry involved in each different yoga pose 
Inner beauty: There was no specific criteria used to choose the 57 participants; Mr Harrington explained that subjects simply had to be willing and able to perform yoga poses while naked 
Inner beauty: There was no specific criteria used to choose the 57 participants; Mr Harrington explained that subjects simply had to be willing and able to perform yoga poses while naked 
Good cause: Inspired by one of his models, whose mother was diagnosed with breast cancer, Mr Harrington explained that 25 per cent of the book's profits will be donated to the Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation
Good cause: Inspired by one of his models, whose mother was diagnosed with breast cancer, Mr Harrington explained that 25 per cent of the book's profits will be donated to the Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation
'The subjects of the book are a cross section of society – there were no conditions or requirements to participate other than being over 18 and interested in the concept,' he explained. 
'Subjects ranged from women totally comfortable with their bodies to the camera-shy who had never posed for a photo shoot – let alone nude.'
Each woman will also have required a fair amount of stamina; according to Mr Harrington, the models were required to go through up to 40 poses while being photographed over two to three hours. 
'All shoots took place at my studio, and consisted of 20-40 poses (many inspired from yoga and dance), and took anywhere from 2-3 hours,' he explained, before adding that, despite the hard work each woman had to put in, the shoot actually turned into something of a therapy session for all involved.
Flexible form: Mr Harrington says that $500 has already been donated to the foundation  
Flexible form: Mr Harrington says that $500 has already been donated to the foundation  
Horizontal view: One woman moves through the sun salutation series 
Horizontal view: One woman moves through the sun salutation series 
The end: Mr Harrington has photographed the womens' bodies from every imaginable angle 

The end: Mr Harrington has photographed the womens' bodies from every imaginable angle 
'During the shoots, there was a lot chatting, laughter and fun; many opened up about things like jobs, relationships, travel, etc,' he said. 'It almost seemed like a therapy session sometimes.'
Mr Harrington was particularly inspired by the personal story of one model, who revealed during the shoot that her mother had recently been diagnosed with breast cancer/
'Originally this project was about me wanting to share with others something I have been passionate about for many years,' he recalled. 'However, after that session, the project started to evolve. 
'Instead of creating something on a smaller scale that I would benefit from, why not create something larger that would benefit many people. This is when the concept of this book began to form.'
Mr Harrington noted that 25 per cent of the profits from the sale of the book will go towards the Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation, adding

Monday, August 24, 2015

मैंने गांधी को क्यों मारा ? -नाथूराम गोडसे

60 साल तक भारत में प्रतिबंधित रहा नाथूराम का अंतिम भाषण “मैंने गांधी को क्यों मारा”

अपने मित्रों को बतायें अपने मित्रों को बतायें अपने मित्रों को बतायें

 30 जनवरी 1948 को नाथूराम गोड़से ने महात्मा गांधी की गोली मारकर हत्या कर दी थी लेकिन नाथूराम गोड़से घटना स्थल से फरार नही हुआ बल्कि उसने आत्मसमर्पण कर दिया | नाथूराम गोड़से समेत 17 अभियुक्तों पर गांधी जी की हत्या का मुकदमा चलाया गया | इस मुकदमे की सुनवाई के दरम्यान न्यायमूर्ति खोसला से नाथूराम ने अपना वक्तव्य स्वयं पढ़ कर जनता को सुनाने की अनुमति माँगी थी जिसे न्यायमूर्ति ने स्वीकार कर लिया था | हालाँकि सरकार ने नाथूराम के इस वक्तव्य पर प्रतिबन्ध लगा दिया था लेकिन नाथूराम के छोटे भाई और गांधी जी की हत्या के सह-अभियोगी गोपाल गोड़से ने 60 साल की लम्बी कानूनी लड़ाई लड़ने के बाद सुप्रीम कोर्ट में विजय प्राप्त की और नाथूराम का वक्तव्य प्रकाशित किया गया | नाथूराम गोड़से ने गांधी हत्या के पक्ष में अपनी 150 दलीलें न्यायलय के समक्ष प्रस्तुति की | देसी लुटियंस पेश करते है “नाथूराम गोड़से के वक्तव्य के मुख्य अंश”

1. नाथूराम का विचार था कि गांधी जी की अहिंसा हिन्दुओं को कायर बना देगी |कानपुर में गणेश शंकर विद्यार्थी को मुसलमानों ने निर्दयता से मार दिया था महात्मा गांधी सभी हिन्दुओं से गणेश शंकर विद्यार्थी की तरह अहिंसा के मार्ग पर चलकर बलिदान करने की बात करते थे | नाथूराम गोड़से को भय था गांधी जी की ये अहिंसा वाली नीति हिन्दुओं को कमजोर बना देगी और वो अपना अधिकार कभी प्राप्त नहीं कर पायेंगे |

2.1919 को अमृतसर के जलियाँवाला बाग़ गोलीकांड के बाद से पुरे देश में ब्रिटिश हुकुमत के खिलाफ आक्रोश उफ़ान पे था | भारतीय जनता इस नरसंहार के खलनायक जनरल डायर पर अभियोग चलाने की मंशा लेकर गांधी जी के पास गयी लेकिन गांधी जी ने भारतवासियों के इस आग्रह को समर्थन देने से साफ़ मना कर दिया।

3. महात्मा गांधी ने खिलाफ़त आन्दोलन का समर्थन करके भारतीय राजनीति में साम्प्रदायिकता का जहर घोल दिया | महात्मा गांधी खुद को मुसलमानों का हितैषी की तरह पेश करते थे वो केरल के मोपला मुसलमानों द्वारा वहाँ के 1500 हिन्दूओं को मारने और 2000 से अधिक हिन्दुओं को मुसलमान बनाये जाने की घटना का विरोध तक नहीं कर सके |

4. कांग्रेस के त्रिपुरा अधिवेशन में नेताजी सुभाष चन्द्र बोस को बहुमत से काँग्रेस अध्यक्ष चुन लिया गया किन्तु गांधी जी ने अपने प्रिय सीतारमय्या का समर्थन कर रहे थे | गांधी जी ने सुभाष चन्द्र बोस से जोर जबरदस्ती करके इस्तीफ़ा देने के लिए मजबूर कर दिया |

5. 23 मार्च 1931 को भगत सिंह,सुखदेव और राजगुरु को फांसी दे दी गयी | पूरा देश इन वीर बालकों की फांसी को टालने के लिए महात्मा गांधी से प्रार्थना कर रहा था लेकिन गांधी जी ने भगत सिंह की हिंसा को अनुचित ठहराते हुए देशवासियों की इस उचित माँग को अस्वीकार कर दिया।

6. गांधी जी कश्मीर के हिन्दू राजा हरि सिंह से कहा कि कश्मीर मुस्लिम बहुल क्षेत्र है अत: वहां का शासक कोई मुसलमान होना चाहिए | अतएव राजा हरिसिंह को शासन छोड़ कर काशी जाकर प्रायश्चित करने | जबकि  हैदराबाद के निज़ाम के शासन का गांधी जी ने समर्थन किया था जबकि हैदराबाद हिन्दू बहुल क्षेत्र था | गांधी जी की नीतियाँ धर्म के साथ, बदलती रहती थी | उनकी मृत्यु के पश्चात सरदार पटेल ने सशक्त बलों के सहयोग से हैदराबाद को भारत में मिलाने का कार्य किया | गांधी जी के रहते ऐसा करना संभव नहीं होता |

7. पाकिस्तान में हो रहे भीषण रक्तपात से किसी तरह से अपनी जान बचाकर भारत आने वाले विस्थापित हिन्दुओं ने दिल्ली की खाली मस्जिदों में जब अस्थाई शरण ली | मुसलमानों ने मस्जिद में रहने वाले हिन्दुओं का विरोध किया जिसके आगे गांधी नतमस्तक हो गये और गांधी ने उन विस्थापित हिन्दुओं को जिनमें वृद्ध, स्त्रियाँ व बालक अधिक थे मस्जिदों से खदेड़ बाहर ठिठुरते शीत में रात बिताने पर मजबूर किया गया।

8. महात्मा गांधी ने दिल्ली स्थित मंदिर में अपनी प्रार्थना सभा के दौरान नमाज पढ़ी जिसका मंदिर के पुजारी से लेकर तमाम हिन्दुओं ने विरोध किया लेकिन गांधी जी ने इस विरोध को दरकिनार कर दिया | लेकिन महात्मा गांधी एक बार भी किसी मस्जिद में जाकर गीता का पाठ नहीं कर सके |

9. लाहौर कांग्रेस में वल्लभभाई पटेल का बहुमत से विजय प्राप्त हुयी किन्तु गान्धी अपनी जिद के कारण यह पद जवाहरलाल नेहरु को दिया गया | गांधी जी अपनी मांग को मनवाने के लिए अनशन-धरना-रूठना किसी से बात न करने जैसी युक्तियों को अपनाकर अपना काम निकलवाने में माहिर थे | इसके लिए वो नीति-अनीति का लेशमात्र विचार भी नहीं करते थे |

10. 14 जून 1947 को दिल्ली में आयोजित अखिल भारतीय कांग्रेस समिति की बैठक में भारत विभाजन का प्रस्ताव अस्वीकृत होने वाला था, लेकिन गांधी जी ने वहाँ पहुँच कर प्रस्ताव का समर्थन करवाया। यह भी तब जबकि गांधी जी ने  स्वयं ही यह कहा था कि देश का विभाजन उनकी लाश पर होगा। न सिर्फ देश का विभाजन हुआ बल्कि लाखों निर्दोष लोगों का कत्लेआम भी हुआ लेकिन गांधी जी ने कुछ नहीं किया |


11. धर्म-निरपेक्षता के नाम पर मुस्लिम तुष्टीकरण की नीति के जन्मदाता महात्मा गाँधी ही थे | जब मुसलमानों ने हिंदी को राष्ट्रभाषा बनाये जाने का विरोध किया तो महात्मा गांधी ने सहर्ष ही इसे स्वीकार कर लिया और हिंदी की जगह हिन्दुस्तानी (हिंदी + उर्दू की खिचड़ी) को बढ़ावा देने लगे | बादशाह राम और बेगम सीता जैसे शब्दों का चलन शुरू हुआ |


12. कुछ एक मुसलमान द्वारा वंदेमातरम् गाने का विरोध करने पर महात्मा गांधी झुक गये और इस पावन गीत को भारत का राष्ट्र गान नहीं बनने दिया |


13. गांधी जी ने अनेक अवसरों पर शिवाजी, महाराणा प्रताप व गुरू गोबिन्द सिंह को पथभ्रष्ट देशभक्त कहा। वही दूसरी ओर गांधी जी मोहम्मद अली जिन्ना को क़ायदे-आजम कहकर पुकारते थे |

14. कांग्रेस ने 1931 में स्वतंत्र भारत के राष्ट्र ध्वज बनाने के लिए एक समिति का गठन किया था इस समिति ने सर्वसम्मति से चरखा अंकित भगवा वस्त्र को भारत का राष्ट्र ध्वज के डिजाइन को मान्यता दी किन्तु गांधी जी की जिद के कारण उसे तिरंगा कर दिया गया।

15. जब सरदार वल्लभ भाई पटेल के नेतृत्व में सोमनाथ मन्दिर का सरकारी व्यय पर पुनर्निर्माण का प्रस्ताव पारित किया गया तब गांधी जी जो कि मन्त्रीमण्डल के सदस्य भी नहीं थे ने सोमनाथ मन्दिर पर सरकारी व्यय के प्रस्ताव को निरस्त करवाया और 13 जनवरी 1948 को आमरण अनशन के माध्यम से सरकार पर दिल्ली की मस्जिदों का सरकारी खर्चे से पुनर्निर्माण कराने के लिए दबाव डाला।

16. भारत को स्वतंत्रता के बाद पाकिस्तान को एक समझौते के तहत 75 करोड़ रूपये देने थे भारत ने 20 करोड़ रूपये दे भी दिए थे लेकिन इसी बीच 22 अक्टूबर 1947 को पाकिस्तान ने कश्मीर पर आक्रमण कर दिया | केन्द्रीय मन्त्रिमण्डल ने आक्रमण से क्षुब्ध होकर 55 करोड़ की राशि न देने का निर्णय लिया | जिसका महात्मा गांधी ने विरोध किया और आमरण अनशन शुरू कर दिया जिसके परिणामस्वरूप 55 करोड़ की राशि भारत ने पाकिस्तान दे दी ।
महात्मा गांधी भारत के नहीं अपितु पाकिस्तान के राष्ट्रपिता थे जो हर कदम पर पाकिस्तान के पक्ष में खड़े रहे, फिर चाहे पाकिस्तान की मांग जायज हो या नाजायज | गांधी जी ने कदाचित इसकी परवाह नहीं की |

उपरोक्त घटनाओं को देशविरोधी मानते हुए नाथूराम गोड़से ने महात्मा गांधी की हत्या को न्यायोचित ठहराने का प्रयास किया | नाथूराम ने न्यायालय में स्वीकार किया कि माहात्मा गांधी बहुत बड़े देशभक्त थे उन्होंने निस्वार्थ भाव से देश सेवा की | मैं उनका बहुत आदर करता हूँ लेकिन किसी भी देशभक्त को देश के टुकड़े करने के ,एक समप्रदाय के साथ पक्षपात करने की अनुमति नहीं दे सकता हूँ | गांधी जी की हत्या के सिवा मेरे पास कोई दूसरा उपाय नहीं था |

  🇮🇳   नाथूराम गोडसे(एक देशभक्त)🇮🇳

Every Indian must read...

Sunday, August 23, 2015

World's Most Expensive Dollhouse

A miniature masterpiece: World's most expensive dollhouse crafted over 13 years by carpenters, goldsmiths and glassblowers worth $8.5MILLION goes on display

  • Colorado-based artist Elaine Diehl created the Astolat Dollhouse Castle with 29 rooms over 13 years until the 1980s
  • She enlisted carpenters, goldsmiths, glass blowers, and silversmiths to make incredible miniatures
  • The house is modeled on Tennyson's Lady Of Shallot - it features a $7,000 mini grand piano and a $5,000 mini desk 
  • Among the decorations is a tiny hand-painted portrait painted with a single bristle brush that is valued at $1,840
The most valuable dollhouse in the world, worth a staggering $8.5million, is going on display for the first time.
The hand-made 'Astolat Dollhouse Castle' was designed and built over a 13-year period by Colorado-based miniature artist Elaine Diehl in the 1980s. 
She modeled it after Tennyson's Lady of Shallot and commissioned fine craftsmen from around the world to build over 10,000 handcrafted interior pieces, which she combined with furniture and decorations from antique dolls' houses. 
These carpenters, goldsmiths, glass blowers, and silversmiths made incredible miniatures - including a tiny baby grand piano valued at over $7,000, a minute Bible from 1811 valued in the thousands and an adorable signed drop leaf secretary desk valued at over $5,000. 
More modern pieces include a teeny 1949 Jeep Station Wagon, worth over $3,300 and a miniature portrait valued at $1,840, which was painted with a single bristle brush. Meticulously embroidered rugs line the floor with a miniature bearskin and tapestries. 
The 29-room house will be exhibited to the public for the first time to benefit the Autism Speaks non-profit and a selection of other children's charities. 
'Astolat is one of the finest miniature structures in the world exhibiting a rare combination of sculpture, art, engineering and detail that set it apart from anything in existence today,' said Paula Gilhooley, curator for the Nassau County Museum of Art, who will be hosting the exhibit.
Scroll down for video 
The hand-made 'Astolat Dollhouse Castle' was built over a 13-year period by Colorado-based miniature artist Elaine Diehl 
The hand-made 'Astolat Dollhouse Castle' was built over a 13-year period by Colorado-based miniature artist Elaine Diehl 
Elaborate: The craftsmen were enlisted to model opulent decorations, including this bear rug, inspired by Tennyson's Lady of Shallot
Elaborate: The craftsmen were enlisted to model opulent decorations, including this bear rug, inspired by Tennyson's Lady of Shallot
Carpenters, goldsmiths, glass blowers, and silversmiths made incredible miniatures such as these gold leaf chairs
Carpenters, goldsmiths, glass blowers, and silversmiths made incredible miniatures such as these gold leaf chairs
The 29-room house will be exhibited to the public for the first time to benefit the Autism Speaks non-profit and other charities
One of the tiny ornaments in the home
The 29-room house will be exhibited to the public for the first time to benefit the Autism Speaks non-profit and other charities
Each leaf and petal of these meticulously crafted orchids was made by hand, as was the chiseled stone plant pot
Each leaf and petal of these meticulously crafted orchids was made by hand, as was the chiseled stone plant pot
There is a minute Bible from 1811 valued in the thousands and an adorable signed drop leaf secretary desk valued at over $5,000
There is a minute Bible from 1811 valued in the thousands and an adorable signed drop leaf secretary desk valued at over $5,000
Real crystals line this desk, and at the back there is a miniature frame with a selection of tiny stones inside 
Real crystals line this desk, and at the back there is a miniature frame with a selection of tiny stones inside 
Astonishing: This gold-framed portrait was hand painted with a single brush and, alone, is valued at $1,840 
Astonishing: This gold-framed portrait was hand painted with a single brush and, alone, is valued at $1,840 
A tiny grand piano is seen in one of the 29 rooms in the dollhouse in this photo along with dozens of mini books
A tiny grand piano is seen in one of the 29 rooms in the dollhouse in this photo along with dozens of mini books
Luxurious: One of the 29 rooms is a bedroom decked out with chandeliers and lace 
Luxurious: One of the 29 rooms is a bedroom decked out with chandeliers and lace 
Cheers! The attention to detail is astonishing, and in the master suit there is even two flutes of champagne and a bucket filled with ice
Cheers! The attention to detail is astonishing, and in the master suit there is even two flutes of champagne and a bucket filled with ice
This artfully modeled rocking horse is one of 10,000 commissioned pieces that Diehl wanted to have in the house
This artfully modeled rocking horse is one of 10,000 commissioned pieces that Diehl wanted to have in the house
This is a stand alone shot of the library, which has a marble wood fire, gold framed mirror, and tomes lining the shelves 
This is a stand alone shot of the library, which has a marble wood fire, gold framed mirror, and tomes lining the shelves

Sunday, August 16, 2015

Letter to Rahul Gandhi

A daring letter by an IIT'an to Rahul Gandhi. 

B. Tech, IIT Bombay
ON Rahul Gandhi: "I feel ashamed to call myself an INDIAN after seeing
what has happened here in UP".
Dear Rahul,
But don't be disappointed, I would give you ample reasons to feel
ashamed... You really want to feel Ashamed..?
* First Ask Pranav Mukherjee, Why isn't he giving the details of
the account holders in the Swiss Banks.
* Ask your Mother, Who is impeding the Investigation against
Hasan Ali?
* Ask her, Who got 60% Kickbacks in the 2G Scam ?
* Kalamadi is accused of a Few hundred Crores, Who Pocketed the
Rest in the Common Wealth Games?
* Ask Praful Patel what he did to the Indian Airlines? Why did
Air India let go of the Profitable Routes ?
* Why should the Tax Payer pay for the Air India losses, when
you intend to eventually DIVEST IT ANYWAY!!!
* Also, You People can't run an Airline Properly. How can we
expect you to run the Nation?
* Ask Manmohan Singh. Why/What kept him quiet for so long?
* Are Kalmadi and A Raja are Scapegoats to save Big Names like
Harshad Mehta was in the 1992 Stock Market Scandal ?
* Who let the BHOPAL GAS TRAGEDY Accused go Scot Free? (20,000
People died in that Tragedy)
* Who ordered the State Sponsored Massacre of SIKHS in 84?
* Please read more about, How Indira Gandhi pushed the Nation
Under Emergency in 76-77, after the HC declared her election to Lok
Sabha Void!
Dear Rahul, to refresh your memory, you were arrested/detained by the
FBI the BOSTON Airport in September 2001.
You were carrying with you $ 1,60,000 in Cash. You couldn't explain why
you were carrying so much Cash.
(Incidentally He was with his Columbian girlfriend Veronique Cartelli,
ALLEGEDLY, the Daughter of Drug Mafia. 9 HOURS he was kept at the
Airport. Later then freed on the intervention of the then Prime Minister
Mr. Vajpayee.. FBI filed an equivalent of an FIR in US and released him.
When FBI was asked to divulge the information, by Right/Freedom to
Information Activists about the reasons Rahul was arrested ...
FBI asked for a NO OBJECTION CERTIFICATE from Rahul Gandhi.
So Subramaniyam Swami wrote a Letter to Rahul Gandhi, " If you have
NOTHING to HIDE, Give us the Permission"
Why did that arrest not make Headlines Rahul? You could have gone to the
Media and told, "I am ashamed to call myself an INDIAN?".
Or is it that, you only do like to highlight Symbolic Arrests (like in
UP) and not Actual Arrests (In BOSTON)
Kindly Clarify.....In any case, you want to feel ashamed, Read Along...
According to a Provision in the Citizenship Act, A Foreign National who
becomes a Citizen of India, is bounded by the same restrictions,
which an Indian would face, If he/she were to become a Citizen of Italy.
(Condition based on principle of reciprocity)
Now Since you can't become a PM in Italy, Unless you are born there.
Likewise an Italian Citizen can't become Indian PM,
unless He/She is not born here!
Dr. SUBRAMANIYAM SWAMI (The Man who Exposed the 2G Scam) sent a letter
to the PRESIDENT OF INDIA bringing the same to his Notice.
PRESIDENT OF INDIA sent a letter to Sonia Gandhi to this effect, 3:30
PM, May 17th, 2004.
Swearing Ceremony was scheduled for 5 PM the same Day. Manmohan Singh
was brought in the Picture at the last moment to Save Face!!
Rest of the SACRIFICE DRAMA which she choreographed was an EYE WASH!!!
In fact Sonia Gandhi had sent, 340 letters, each signed by different MP
to the PRESIDENT KALAM, supporting her candidacy for PM.
One of those letters read, "I Sonia Gandhi, elected Member from Rai
Bareli, hereby propose Sonia Gandhi as Prime Minister."
So SHE was Pretty INTERESTED! Until She came to know the Facts! She
didn't make any Sacrifice, It so happens that SONIA GANDHI
couldn't have become the PM of INDIA that time.
You could be Ashamed about that Dear Rahul!! One Credential Sonia G had,
Even that was a HOAX!
You go to Harvard on Donation Quota. ( Hindujas Gave HARVARD 11 million
dollars the same year, when Rajiv Gandhi was in Power)
Then you are expelled in 3 Months/ You Dropped out in 3 Months....
(Sadly Manmohan Singh wasn't the Dean of Harvard that time, else
you might have had a chance... Too Bad, there is only one Manmohan
Then Why did you go about lying about being Masters in Economics from
Harvard .. before finally taking it off your Resume upon questioning
by Dr. SUBRAMANIYAM SWAMI (The Gentlemen who exposed the 2G Scam)
At St. Stephens.. You Fail the Hindi Exam. Hindi Exam!!!
And you are representing the Biggest Hindi Speaking State of the
Sonia G gave a sworn affidavit as a Candidate that She Studied English
at University of Cambridge
According to Cambridge University, there is no such Student EVER! Upon
a Case by Dr. Subramaniyam Swami filed against her, She subsequently
Dropped the CAMBRIDGE CREDENTIAL from her Affidavit.
Sonia Gandhi didn't even pass High School. She is just 5th class Pass!
In this sense, She shares a common Educational Background with her 2G
In Crime, Karunanidhi.
You Fake your Educational Degree, Your Mother Fakes her Educational
Degree. And then you go out saying, " We want Educated Youth into
Not that Education is a Prerequisite for being a great Leader, but then
you shouldn't have lied about your qualifications!
You could feel a little ashamed about Lying about your Educational
Qualifications. You had your reasons I know, Because in India, WE
But who cares about Education, When you are a Youth Icon!!
You traveled in the Local Train for the first time at the Age of 38.
You went to some Villages as a part of Election Campaign. And You won a
Youth Icon!! ... That's why You are my Youth Icon.
For 25 Million People travel by Train Every day. You are the First
Person to win a Youth Icon for boarding a Train.
Thousands of Postmen go to remotest of Villages. None of them have yet
gotten a Youth Icon. You were neither YOUNG Nor ICONIC!
Still You became a Youth Icon beating Iconic and Younger Contenders like
Shakespeare said, What's in a Name?
Little did he knew, It's all in the Name, Especially the Surname!
Because the Name on your Passport is RAUL VINCI. Not RAHUL GANDHI..
May be if you wrote your Surname as Gandhi, you would have experienced,
what Gandhi feels like, LITERALLY ( Pun Intended)
You People don't seem to use Gandhi much, except when you are fighting
Elections. ( There it makes complete sense).
Imagine fighting elections by the Name Raul Vinci...
You use the name GANDHI at will and then say, " Mujhe yeh YUVRAJ shabd
Insulting lagta hai! Kyonki aaj Hindustan mein Democracy hai, aur is
ka koi matlab nahin hai! YUVRAJ, Itna hi Insulting lagta hai, to lad lo
RAUL VINCI ke Naam se!!! Jin Kisano ke saath photo khinchate ho woh bhi
isliye entertain karte hain ki GANDHI ho.. RAUL VINCI bol ke Jao... Ghar
mein nahin ghusaenge!!!
You could feel ashamed for your Double Standards.
Now You want Youth to Join Politics.
I say First you Join Politics. Because you haven't Joined Politics. You
have Joined a Family Business.
First you Join Politics. Win an Election fighting as RAUL VINCI and Not
Rahul Gandhi, then come and ask the youth and the Educated Brass for
involvement in Politics.
Also till then, Please don't give me examples of Sachin Pilot and Milind
Deora and Naveen Jindal as youth who have joined Politics. They are not
Politicians. They Just happen to be Politicians.
Much Like Abhishek Bachchan and other Star Sons are not Actors. They
just happen to be Actors (For Obvious Reasons)
So, We would appreciate if you stop requesting the Youth to Join
Politics till you establish your credentials...
Rahul Baba, Please understand, Your Father had a lot of money in your
Family account ( in Swiss Bank) when he died.
Ordinary Youth has to WORK FOR A LIVING. YOUR FAMILY just needs to
If our Father had left thousands of Crores with us, We might consider
doing the same. But we have to Work. Not just for ourselves.
But also for you. So that we can pay 30% of our Income to the Govt.
which can then be channelized to the Swiss Banks and your Personal
Accounts under
some Pseudo Names.
So Rahul, Please don't mind If the Youth doesn't Join Politics.
We are doing our best to fund your Election Campaigns and your Chopper
Trips to the Villages.
Somebody has to Earn the Money that Politicians Feed On.
Air India, KG Gas Division, 2G, CWG, SWISS BANK Account Details... Hasan
Ali, KGB., FBI Arrest..
You want to feel ashamed..?
Feel Ashamed for what the First Family of Politics has been reduced
to... A Money Laundering Enterprise.
Indira didn't marry Mahatma Gandhi's Son.
For even if you had one GENE OF GANDHI JI in your DNA. YOU WOULDN'T HAVE
(Ambition of only EARNING MONEY)
You really want to feel Ashamed?
Feel Ashamed for what you ' SO CALLED GANDHI'S' have done to MAHATMA'S
I so wish GANDHI JI had Copyrighted his Name!
Meanwhile, I would request Sonia Gandhi to change her name to $ONIA
GANDHI, and you could replace
the 'R' in RAHUL/RAUL by the New Rupee Symbol!!!
RAUL VINCI : I am ashamed to call myself an Indian.
Even we are ashamed to call you so!
P.S: Popular Media is either bought or blackmailed, controlled to
Manufacture Consent! My Guess is Social Media is still a Democratic
(Now they are trying to put legislations to censor that too!!).
Meanwhile, Let's ask these questions, for we deserve some Answers.
B. Tech, IIT Bombay

Saturday, August 8, 2015

छोटा शकील की चेतावनीको जवाब

याकूब की फांसी के विरुद्ध दाऊद का गुर्गा छोटा शकील न्यूज चैनलों के माध्यम से भारत को गंभीर परिणाम भुगतने की चेतावनी दे रहा है। हमारी न्याय प्रणाली पर प्रश्नचिन्ह लगा रहा है।
छोटा शकील की चेतावनी के विरुद्ध भारत माँ के एक लाल का आक्रोश कविता के रूप में प्रस्तुत है।
पढ़िये ।
न्याय की बातें करने वाले गिरेबान में झाँक जरा
निर्दोषों की हत्याओं पर पहले माफ़ी मांग जरा

क्या गलती थी उन लोगों की जिनको तूने मार दिया
दो सौ तिरपन निर्दोषों को मौत के घाट उतार दिया

तब मानवता कहाँ गयी थी जब मुम्बई दहलायी थी
न्याय अन्याय की बातें याद नहीं तब आयी थीं

वो न्याय की बात करें जो अन्याय से खेले हैं
तेरा केवल एक मरा है हमने लाखों झेले हैं

कोई अपने घर से निकला था बच्चों को लाने को
कोई प्रसव पीड़ित पत्नी को डाक्टर को दिखाने को

कोई बेटी की शादी की बात चलाने निकला था
कोई घर से बस अपना परिवार चलाने निकला था

कुछ बूढी माँ की दवाई का पर्चा लेकर निकले थे
घूमने फिरने को पापा से खर्चा लेकर निकले थे

बड़ा पाव पानी पूरी खाने को सखियाँ निकलीं थी
चूड़ी बिंदी लाने को कुछ बहन बेटियां निकलीं थी

सच करने को निकले थे कुछ ख़्वाबों की तस्वीरों को
कुछ कर्मों से बदलने निकले थे अपनी तकदीरों को

अब तक उबर नहीं पायी है मुम्बई उन विस्फोटों से
खून अभी तक रिस्ता है उन निर्दोषों की चोटों से

न्याय अन्याय क्या है मत समझाओ उपदेशों से
कितनों ने पहचाना अपने लोगों को अवशेषों से

लाशों का अम्बार लगा यूं लगा गगन भी कफ़न हुआ
आधा शरीर जब नहीं मिला आधा शरीर ही दफ़न हुआ

बैठ के गोद में अब्बा की अब हमको आँख दिखाते हो
अपराधी होकर न्याय का पाठ हमें सिखलाते हो

हम न्याय नियम के पक्के हैं हम खूब कड़ाई करते हैं
फांसी के दो घंटे पहले तक सुनवाई करते हैं

तू बाइस बरस की सुनवाई को नहीं मानता न माने
तू अपनी हरकत को गलती नहीं मानता न माने

तू चैनल पर फोन के द्वारा हमको धमकी देता है
होकर नाली का कीड़ा सूरज से पंगा लेता है

देशद्रोह की राह है ये इस ओर कुंआ वो खाई है
इस गीदड़ की मौत ही इसको शहरों तक ले आई है

अंत समय जब आता है बुद्धि उल्टी हो जाती है
शिशुपाल की सौंवी गाली उसका वध करवाती है

तू बदले की बात न कर याकूब तो केवल झांकी है
निर्दोषों की हत्याओं का बदला लेना बाकी है

दाऊद मेमन और शकील अन्त निकट है तीनों का
पहले नागों को मारें फिर मुंह तोड़ेंगे बीनों को

हों कितनी मजबूत दीवारें हमें तोड़ना आता है
आँख दिखाने वालों हमको आँख फोड़ना आता है

तू अपने लोगों कह दे, लें जगह ढूंढ दफनाने की
कीमत तुझे चुकानी होगी, शेरों को उकसाने की .

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Stockholm Syndrome-Dr. Ramakant Panda

An interesting article by world famous heart surgeon Dr. Rsmakant Panda. (Not on heart but on media and people)

Looks like we Indians have all been suffering from the "Stockholm syndrome", which means sympathizing with one's captors/abductors.

The world watches how India treats those that terrorize its population. Yet, it seems we Indians despise our own family and praise those who come to harm us, just because the world is watching.

When we as a nation equate Dr Abdul Kalam's demise with that of a terrorist and give equal space (actually much more), it just shows how distorted and misplaced our judgement and views are.

President Abdul Kalam once wrote, "I was in Tel Aviv once and was reading the Israeli newspaper. It was the day after a lot of attacks and bombardments and deaths had taken place. The Hamas had struck. But the front page of the newspaper had the picture of a Jewish gentleman who in five years had transformed his desert into an orchid and a granary. It was this inspiring picture that everyone woke up to. The gory details of killings, bombardments, deaths, were inside in the newspaper, buried among other news."

President Kalam was trying to tell us something very important.

For more than a week, in the name of human rights and freedom of expression, the sordid drama of a terrrorist's conviction has been played out.

A terrorist who is involved in killing and injuring hundreds of innocent people (his victims are from all communities) gets all the sympathy and full media coverage, while the funeral and coverage of a national icon, an inspirational leader for generations and a person who had dedicated all his life (remember he stayed a bachelor to dedicate more time to the country?) to protecting this country gets relegated to the inside pages.

Is this indicative of our national obsession with "having an opinion"?

A brave police officer and God knows how many army officers who lay down their lives fighting terrorists to protect innocent countrymen do not even get any mention or at best, tiny little space in the inside pages of our newspapers.

Hemant Karkare, chief of Mumbai's Anti-Terrorist Squad (ATS), Ashok Kamte, additional commissioner of police, Tukaram Gopal Omble, assistant sub-inspector, Major Sandeep Unnikrishnan, National Security Guards commandos and Vijay Salaskar, senior police inspector, are all forgotten, but Yakub Memon is popular among the youth today. Because we are talking about him unnecessarily and making him larger than life.

In the name of free speech and human rights, we shout till we become hoarse for the rights of terrorists but keep mum about the suffering and human rights of the innocent victims and their families as well as the families of police officers or armed forces personnel who have laid down their lives or have been injured protecting us.

How many of us who are shouting loudly about the human rights of the perpetrators of terrorism have visited or met their victims or their families (forget about sharing their pain)?

Was there any such debate in the USA when perpetrators of 9/11 or the Boston bombings were given the death sentence? That is also a great free country, which has given unprecedented freedom of speech and human rights to its citizens. But with freedom also come duties and responsibilities. They have matured as a society.

We Indians are a unique breed; overly aware of our rights, but not of our duties and responsibilities.

Was due judicial process not followed? How many years of court deliberations did it take and how many judges were there who evaluated the matter? Are all the judges wrong or biased? We are putting unprecedented pressure and casting aspersions and in the process will slowly destroy the judiciary, one of the very few venerable institutions left in the country which in recent times has stood for our rights and protection. This is not responsible behaviour.

We are living in difficult times and in one of the most volatile and dangerous parts of the world. Do we not know the design of ISIS to start a war on India? Was the terrorist attack in Gurdaspur an isolated incident? Should our sympathy be towards terrorists or should we be with those who are selflessly giving their life to protect us? This is the time we need to unite, not divide, and behave as responsible and dutiful citizens.

What example are we showing to our children growing up? What are we teaching our young impressionable minds? That human rights of perpetrators of violence are more important than those of victims and their families?

Do we not cut our gangrenous part instead of applying balm? As a doctor who has dedicated his life to saving others' lives, I wholeheartedly agree that the death penalty has no place (except in certain rarest of rare situations) in modern society.

But should the debate start at the hanging of a terrorist? Should we be so insensitive to the pain, suffering and feelings of innocent victims, their families and the people who are protecting us?

(Dr Ramakant Panda is an eminent cardio surgeon and managing director of the Asian Heart Hospital)